Cordwood Lodge boasts 32 inch thick walls

This is an outstanding example of a cordwood treasure hidden away among the lakes, rivers and ski areas of Portage, Wisconsin.  "This handcrafted, one-of-a-kind home is nestled in a secluded wooded setting, located 3 mins from I-39, within view of Cascade Mountain ski...

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Cordwood Hobbit House Memorial to Fallen Heroes

There is a beautiful 30-acre garden park in Wausau called Monk Botanical Gardens and it is used for community events and hiking. It is renowned for its incredible flower and vegetable gardens. It boasts great winding trails, a tree house, beautiful native and local...

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Camp Cordwood

Our dearly departed friend Wayne Higgins (Marlys Bacon) took us around to see some of the outstanding cordwood building that has sprung up from his stellar influence in the Keweenaw Peninsula of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Wayne is not only a fine tour guide (his...

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Cozy Cordwood Cabin in the White Mountains

Some details about the project from the owner/builders. We built this in 2018. It is 24' round it took 1-1/2 yrs to finish. It is located in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire.  It has 36-inch roof overhangs.  The cordwood is pine, we used pine sawdust for...

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