Want to see what a cordwood home looks like on the inside? Here’s your chance. When I post a cordwood photo, folks often ask, “What does that look like on the inside? Bryan & Lois Pratt built this unbelievably gorgeous cordwood home in Woodland Park, Colorado. It is 12 sided with a full post and beam log framework. This is a masterpiece of good construction and design. The back windows and deck look out onto Pike’s Peak!
The kitchen at the Pratt’s home is a lovely place for a healthy meal.
Albert Norris built this beautiful cordwood cabin with double doors in Alberta, Canada.
Cordwood and blue windows with bottle bricks in Alberta, Canada.
Double Wall with 4.3 KW array in LaCrescent, Minnesota by Alan Stankevitz.
Nick Kautzer post frame and cordwood in California.
Oklahoma cordwood using red cedar and bottles to make a cozy family room.
Washington State cordwood with Western Red Cedar.
Vancouver Island cordwood home with a fish pond.
Spartanburg, South Carolina with a spiral staircase and a basement.
Asheville, North Carolina, cordwood on a mountain top.
Cordwood home at White Earth in Minnesota made of cedar, with a room in the attic truss for an additional 800 sq. ft. of living space.
The Cordwood Education Center Classroom in Merrill, Wisconsin.
Northern White Cedar cordwood home in Reedsburg, WI. Don & Cathy.
Flatau’s Chateau lovely cordwood home in Merrill, Wisconsin (above and below).
The Cordstead in Quebec: a BnB by Sandy and Angelika.
Sebastien Demers and his round and rectangle cordwood home in Quebec City, Quebec.
His banana tree produced 30 pounds of bananas!
Kinstone Cordwood Chapel in the springtime.
John Meilahn, Copper Harbor, Michigan.
Great cordwood eye candy, wouldn’t you agree? Should you wish to learn how to build a cordwood cottage, cabin or home, please visit www.cordwoodconstruction.org While you are there, click on the pictures, read the brief articles, check out the latest workshops and newsletter and if you are interested click on the Online Bookstore to see all the cordwood literature available in print and ebook format. If you have questions that aren’t answered on the website you can email me at richardflatau@gmail.com
Readers have requested a brief bio, so here goes:
Richard & Becky Flatau built their mortgage-free cordwood home in 1979 in Merrill, Wisconsin. Since then, they have written books, conducted workshops, facilitated the 2005, 2011 and 2015 Cordwood Conferences and provided consultation for cordwood builders. Cordwood Workshop DVD (2018), Cordwood Construction Best Practices (print 2017) and Cordwood Conference Papers 2015 are the newest publications available from their Online Cordwood Bookstore. The books & DVD are also available as ebooks for a quick and easy shipping free download.
This is the Cordwood Workshop DVD will show you how to build a best practices cordwood home.
The 30 detailed menu items from the Cordwood Workshop DVD.
Thank you for your kind attention to Cordwood Construction. If you would like more information, please visit www.cordwoodconstruction.org
Or email richardflatau@gmail.com