Joe Silins Tack House in Arizona. Made from pine and mesquite.
The mesquite is black on the face and the pine is light. The pine will darken up with UV and time, but the darkening process can be delayed by using a breathable stain.
There are some very creative folks doing wonderful work. Here are a few cordwood outbuildings that are both functional, beautiful and built with best practices. Above is the Kinstone sauna crew that finished the project. There were three other workshops for framing and cordwood construction. All participates were appreciated for their attention to task and detailed approach to learning cordwood Peter Debenham and Ann Lundquist built this lovely cordwood wood shed in Colorado. An interior view of the woodshed with shelves and bottle ends.
Eric and Beth Carlberg built the Rendezvous Cabin in Wisconsin for historical reenactments.The Kinstone cordwood sauna ready for floor, stove and benches.Tuckpointing before covering the walls at the end of the day. Note the grade beam, antlers and flower in the center of the picture made with red cedar. Ted Amman likes to put colored bottles on the interior and exterior of the cordwood walls of his Maple Sugar Shack. He enjoys the double color they bring to the building. There are some very creative folks doing wonderful work out there. Here are a few cordwood outbuildings that are both functional and beautiful. Brian Bronaugh’s beautiful cordwood shed using the wabi-sabi approach (reveling in imperfections:0) Chicken coop with curious chicken courtesy of Tasha Hall
Above is a post framework by Nick Kautzer in Oregon.
Above and below are pictures of a 9-foot high cordwood shed with ingenious ladder pad for sheltering a tractor or large camper. This minimalistic style building is detailed in the book Cordwood Shed Plans. These sheds with ladder pads for cordwood have higher walls for a larger garage door opening. This is so larger equipment can be stored.
The top picture is a garden shed we built for Treehaven Campus near Tomahawk, Wisconsin (using red pine infill). It holds tools and materials for the 6,000 sq. ft. organic garden on campus. The picture gives an excellent example of the post frame structure that becomes both foundation and framework (the posts are placed below the frost line). Below is the finished product.
Click on the picture above to find out how to order this $10 ebook. Cordwood Shed Plans
Should you wish to learn how to build a cordwood cottage, cabin or home, please visit While you are there, click on the pictures, read the brief articles, check out the latest workshops and newsletter and if you are interested click on the Online Bookstore to see all the cordwood literature available in print and ebook format. If you have questions that aren’t answered on the website you can email me at
Readers have requested a brief bio, so here goes:
“Richard & Becky Flatau built their mortgage-free cordwood home in 1979 in Merrill, Wisconsin. Since then, they have written books, conducted workshops, facilitated the 2005, 2011 and 2015 Cordwood Conferences and provided consultation for cordwood builders. Cordwood Construction: Best Practices and Cordwood Conference Papers 2015 are the newest publications available from their online cordwood bookstore.