In the green valleys of western Wisconsin resides a cordwood hobbit house. Built by Jessi & Dan Peterson, complete with a round door and sparkling bottle bricks, it is surely a welcoming sight for anyone from the Shire or beyond Bag End. Always remember: “Not all those who wander are lost.” J.R.R.TolkienWinter lends a whole new feel to Jessi & Dan’s creation.
The living roof is simply green and verdant!
Dan built the round green door that bids you enter! The backlit bottles on top are a beautiful touch.
The new deck for entertaining.
A beautiful masonry, brick heater graces the inside. Jessi explains, ” The masonry heater is named Norbert, which means “Northern Bright” and is also a play on words of sorts – my mother’s masonry heater is named Albert, Albie for short, which is the mason’s name and means “Royal Bright.”
Rafters, wooden ceiling and cordwood walls. Simply delicious. Gorgeous lighting and beautiful touches are everywhere.
A nice combination of round and split pieces with a round window. This is a very good example of excellent random patterning in a cordwood wall.
A green stairway for star gazing and accessing the living roof and masonry chimney.
Jessi painted the floors with nasturtiums. What a gorgeous cordwood build! Kudos to Dan & Jessi and all their helpers. Nicely done.
For more pictures and verbiage visit Jessi’s blog at
Should you wish to learn how to build a cordwood cottage, cabin or home, please visit While you are there, click on the pictures, read the brief articles, check out the latest workshops and newsletter and if you are interested click on the Online Bookstore to see all the cordwood literature available in print and ebook format. If you have questions that aren’t answered on the website you can email me at
Readers have requested a brief bio, so here goes:
Richard & Becky Flatau built their mortgage-free cordwood home in 1979 in Merrill, Wisconsin. Since then, they have written books, conducted workshops, facilitated the 2005, 2011 and 2015 Cordwood Conferences and provided consultation for cordwood builders. Cordwood Construction: Best Practices DVD, Cordwood Construction Best Practices (print) and Cordwood Conference Papers 2015 are the newest publications available from their online cordwood bookstore.
Here is a picture of the print version and the DVD label in one composite.
For more information on Cordwood Construction, click on the picture or visit