Tom Huber has been building cordwood for a long time. He sold his beautiful cordwood home in Watervilet, Michigan in 2005 when he moved to take a teaching position at Paul Smith’s College in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. Once he found some suitable land he built a cordwood chicken coop (called the Super Coop). Tom wrote an article about it for the Cordwood Conference Papers 2011.

Tom has built a beautiful stone wall (insulated in the middle) with a cordwood wall on top. The interplay of stone, mortar, log ends and special effects give this cabin a unique and interesting “feel.”

He then moved on to build a cedar cordwood cabin, with his daughter as apprentice and recently finished (mostly) the cabin. Here are a few pictures of the exterior and the interior. As you can see, Tom has some serious cordwood mortaring skills.

Tom Huber’s Super Coop (an insulated cordwood chicken coop) near Rainbow Lake, NY

Here is the lead quote from Tom’s article in the Cordwood Conference Papers.
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
-Abraham Lincoln


Cedar post and beam framework, cedar cordwood infill, stone stem wall.

A view from the side. Air flow is evident and passive solar design. The shed roof makes it easy to shed snow in one direction and not over the doorways

This is a close up of the stone and cordwood wall showing details of the “kchotchkeys” mortared into the wall.


For more information on cordwood construction go to or